Thanksgiving Trivia


Thanksgiving Trivia

Join us each month to test your knowledge of central Iowa topics.

Quizzers who score more than 80% will be entered into the Annual CITYVIEW Trivia Event Contest.

1 / 10

Turkey was part of the first Thanksgiving meal. True or false?

2 / 10

Which sauce is traditional for Thanksgiving?

3 / 10

What year did Thanksgiving become an official holiday?

4 / 10

Which American President announced Thanksgiving?

5 / 10

How many Pilgrims were included in the first Thanksgiving?

6 / 10

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, how much did the heaviest turkey weigh?

7 / 10

Only America celebrates Thanksgiving. True or false?

8 / 10

What was the name of the Pilgrim’s ship?

9 / 10

Thanksgiving occurs on which Thursday of every November?

10 / 10

When did Thanksgiving originate?

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