January Trivia

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January Trivia

1 / 10

January always starts on the same day of the week as what other month in the same year?

2 / 10

What historic event took place on Jan. 16, 1919, in the United States?

3 / 10

What beverage was first sold in cans starting Jan. 24, 1935?

4 / 10

Which U.S. president was born on Jan. 9, 1913?

5 / 10

Which famous Apple product was announced on Jan. 9, 2007?

6 / 10

On which date is Martin Luther King Jr. Day observed?

7 / 10

Which two Zodiac signs fall in January?

8 / 10

What is the flower symbol for January?

9 / 10

Which precious stone is associated with January birthdays?

10 / 10

Who is January named after?

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